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Imagine Your Adventure Story

July 15, 2020

Kids at home will join Page Turner and Kenny on an Indiana Jones-style adventure as they search for the elusive purple wish lion. On our craft day, they’ll make their own paper-plate wish lions, and toilet tube binoculars. While older kids will travel to Easter Island where they’ll make megaliths from laundry detergent bottles and masking tape, and tanzuku wishes in honor of Japan’s Tanabata Festival. 

Our guest writer, Donna Gephart is the winner of the Sid Fleishman Humor award and the author of seven middle grade novels, including her latest adventure…THE PARIS PROJECT. We’ll also talk to Kelly Milner Halls, author of dozens of non-fiction books for kids. We’ll find out if the purple wish lion appears in her latest book, CRYPTID CREATURES: A FIELD GUIDE. Instead of a guest performer this week, we’ll go on a virtual field trip to the zoo AND visit the workshop of Lion King puppet master, Jim Hammond.

Monday 7/13 - Virtual Comedy Story Theater Show
Tuesday 7/14 - Project Day
Wednesday 7/15 - Authors - Donna Gephart & Kelly Milner Halls
Thursday 7/16 - Tween Day
Friday 7/17 - Virtual trip to zoo & visit Lion King workshop of puppet master, Jim Hammond

A link to these videos will be posted on our website when the program premieres. You will have access to this prerecorded program anytime during the summer.

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