
July 1, 2019

Preschool Story Hour

Category: General Preschool Story Hour

July 1, 2019

Preschool Story Hour taps into the boundless energy of three to five-year-olds to get your child involved in this interactive story time. This program will engage your children with stories, finger plays and songs and encourage them to learn sounds, letter recognition, and new words as they grow into pre-readers. Each program is followed by a hands-on craft and snacks.

Summer Reading Kick-off Party

Category: General Summer Reading Kick-off Party

July 1, 2019

Register for the Summer Reading Program and sign up for special program offerings. Decorate reading logs, enjoy face painting with New Creation Face and Body Art, visit with Zoey, a certified reading therapy dog, create a mural, and participate in a sing-along with Ms. Kelley. Receive a prize when you register!

* If you are unable to register at the Kick-off Party, you may register after July 1st.
Registration for special programs helps us plan for snacks and supplies.

We offer story times and other activities for children, teens, and adults, including a book discussion group. Check our program calendar or call the library at 845-338-7881.
