Category: General DnD Play"'> Category: General DnD Play

DnD Play

August 3, 2020

You’ve got an invite to play Dungeons and Dragons with your library over the summer break! This is a unique opportunity to imagine your story by weaving the legend of your own hero through the gameplay of DnD. All you need to do is join our Monday meetings on Zoom and make an account on, a free site for virtual tabletop gaming.  Besides our weekly DnD sessions, you can join in the fun by participating in a video contest in which you answer questions about your personal heroes (whether they be real or fictional). And, naturally, there will be some book bingo to be played, with prizes to sweeten the deal! Journey to the peaks of your imagination… and back again. Ages 14-18 welcome.

Email: Josh (DM): for information and the weekly Zoom hangout links.

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